Camp Check-List

You must complete these forms before attending camp.

The following forms and documents are required for all campers. Due within 10 days of registration and no later than 2 weeks before camp starts. Please remit completed forms either in-person or email to

  • Health Form
    This form is required for all campers within 10 days of acceptance. Required: NDC requires that each camper must have an updated annual physical exam within 12 months of camp attendance.

  • Authorization to Administer Medication to a Camper
    This form is required for all campers who will bring prescription medication to camp and must be signed by their parent and physician.

  • Camper Release Form
    This form is required to authorize individuals other than parents to pick up campers. Please make sure to complete this if at any time a grandparent, friend, babysitter, or carpool driver will be picking up your child.

  • Emergency Contact Form

    This form is required for all campers.

  • Asthma Action Plan
    This form is for campers who have asthma.

  • Food Allergy Action Plan
    This form is for campers who have a food allergy or allergies.

*Your child(ren) cannot start camp without these forms completed and submitted to the JamZone*

*Parents have the right to review background check, healthcare, discipline policies and grievance procedures upon request.

Additional Info

Note: We will spend some time in the sunshine that would require sunscreen. Please apply sunscreen to your child before they leave for camp. Please send in a container of sunscreen labeled with your child’s name to keep here at camp. We will have extra spray sunscreen available and will offer to campers who forget. We will guide them on how to apply it themselves.


Please see below for updated information on isolation and quarantine guidelines for returning to The JamZone if a camper tests positive or is a close contact of an individual who tests positive.


If a JamZone camper tests positive for COVID-19 through off-campus testing, they should notify The JamZone promptly.

Campers Who Test Positive

Any camper who tests positive for the virus that causes COVID-19 must stay home and isolate for a minimum of 5 days. If they are asymptomatic or symptoms are resolving and they have been fever free for 24 hours, they may return to camp after Day 5, provided:

  • If the camper is able to mask, they must do so through Day 10.

  • If the camper is unable to mask, they must have a negative test on Day 5 or later in order to return to programming prior to day 11.


We will call a parent to come pick the camper up. If the parent would like to bring an at-home test and test the camper at camp, they are welcome to do so or they can take the camper home and test when convenient and send to camp following day if tested negative at home or at a medical facility..


A “close contact” is defined as any individual who was within six feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes starting from two days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic cases, two days prior to the positive specimen collection) regardless of mask wearing or vaccination status.

Campers who are identified as close contacts may continue to attend camp as long as they remain asymptomatic. Those who can mask should do so until Day 10. A test on Days 2 and 5 is recommended, but not required.


  • Counting Days for Instructions Above: “Day zero” is defined as the day that symptoms began or a test was conducted/sample collected.

  • Isolation: individuals who are positive for COVID-19 (symptomatic and asymptomatic)

  • Quarantine: individuals who were or might have been exposed to an individual who tested positive for COVID-19

For questions, please contact The JamZone.